What Didn't Get Debated

For all the Monday-morning quarterbacking on the debates, the one thing that didn't get discussed in the mainstream media is what didn't get discussed. Like issues that matter to Americans. Don't get me wrong, the economy matters to

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For all the Monday-morning quarterbacking on the debates, the one thing that didn't get discussed in the mainstream media is what didn't get discussed. Like issues that matter to Americans.

Don't get me wrong, the economy matters to Americans. But Solyndra and Dodd Frank affect Americans far less than decriminalizing marijuana and women's reproductive health issues, both of which directly affect how people involved can contribute to the economy. And both of those topics were completely ignored, among many others, like gun control, our criminal justice system and education.

But not on Up with Chris Hayes, where Rep. Peter Welch bemoans a DC culture that prevents serious adult discussions about issues that directly affect Americans in lieu of talking points. And that is a bipartisan issue. It's exactly the reason that these debates are useless as an exercise or political tool, as this LTE points out aptly:

In 1987, the Republican and Democratic parties took over the presidential debates from the League of Women Voters, excluding all other candidates and many topics of discussion. The two parties’ debate commission is corporate-sponsored, and the moderators’ questions corporate-friendly, despite the face of 40-year presidential debate moderator, Jim Lehrer. We need to hear from all candidates and not just those who have promised big pharma, big oil and big defense lots of cash and big prizes for their support, something that both Democratic and Republican hopefuls do.

These are just a few of the popular, super-majority positions that will not be talked about in our debates:

• Shifting billions of dollars from war preparation to education, infrastructure, green energy.

• Raising taxes on the super wealthy and corporations.

• Prosecuting U.S. war crimes.

• Ending warrantless spying, drone wars and assassinations.

• Breaking up media monopolies and undoing corporate trade agreements.

• Expanding Medicare to everyone.

• The drug war and criminal justice.I am sure there are more never-debated positions that are breaking this country apart. Tell the major parties and the debate commission to get real and make the debate process one of inclusion.

Here are some of the things the Up panel would like to have seen debated:

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What would you like to see debated in the remaining debates?

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