What's The Biggest Threat To The US? Obama! Just Ask Senate Hopeful Ken Buck (As Told By Tom Tancredo)

Once again, shooting for the lowest common denominator: Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Ken Buck Saturday flip-flopped on statements made Thursda

Once again, shooting for the lowest common denominator:

ken buck_ca2f8.pngRepublican U.S. Senate hopeful Ken Buck Saturday flip-flopped on statements made Thursday by former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo that Barack Obama is the greatest threat to the United States, now claiming Tancredo’s comments had a lot of truth to them.

Speaking after Tancredo at the Conservative Western Summit on Saturday, where Tancredo reiterated statements made at a Buck supporter barbecue on Thursday, Weld County District Attorney Buck reversed his position.

“The other day my good friend and supporter Tom Tancredo said that the greatest threat to this country is the man who occupies the White House, Barack Obama,” Buck said Saturday. “There is a lot of truth in what Tom Tancredo says.”

I'm not sure how to even respond to this kind of idiocy. And according to that study in the Boston Globe, it wouldn't matter if I tried. Funnily enough, Buck's campaign called to complain to the Colorado Independent for their coverage. Not for agreeing with that nutcase Tancredo that Obama is the biggest threat to the country, no, no, no. He objected to being characterized as flip-flopping on his agreement with Tancredo:

Saturday, speaking after Tancredo at the Conservative Western Summit, where the former congressman reiterated his previous remarks, Buck said, “The other day my good friend and supporter Tom Tancredo said that the greatest threat to this country is the man who occupied the White House, Barack Obama. And there is a lot of truth, a lot of truth in what Tom Tancredo said.”

But Buck then went on to provide more context:

“The greatest threat folks is not a single man, but rather the progressive liberal movement that is going on in this country. It is the $13 trillion of national debt; it is a huge threat to our security and financial system; Obamacare, cap and trade, card check, our disintegrating relationship with Israel. It is a huge threat to this county.

“Folks, picture this for just a second. If Obama leaves office, you turn on your TV and you hear the following, ‘I, Joseph Biden do solemnly swear.’ The threat continues because then Nancy Pelosi is in office, Harry Reid is in office, Barney Frank is in office … and the liberal progressives continue marching down that path. We can’t allow that and in November you will have that chance. And I will beat [Sen.] Michael Bennet on Nov. 2.”

You stay classy now, Buck. You can support Michael Bennet here in his fight against DeMint protege Buck here.

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