Fools On The Hill

Every Monday morning, C&L's own Nicole Belle joins Nicole Sandler at RadioOrNot.com to discuss the Sunday talking head shows in a segment they call "Fools on the Hill."

Every Monday morning, C&L's own Nicole Belle joins with Nicole Sandler at RadioOrNot.com to discuss the Sunday talking head shows in a segment they call "Fools on the Hill." This morning, they couldn't resist a bit of Oscar talk too...

Here's what Nicole Belle brought us this week:

Welcome to “The media is everything wrong with this country” Part the infinity.
You know, the media that inadvertently admits that they are impugning Chuck Hagel’s competence…er, I mean, questioning his competence.

Or lets Sen. Tom Coburn say that rather than strengthen background checks (which is universally more popular among the left and the right), Congress should just ‘eliminate recordkeeping’ on guns in the US.

Or lets Grampy McCain (who is on for the third Sunday in a row) say that he loves his townhall meetings and not bring up that he called an attendee a “jerk”.

Or whine about not knowing about the President playing golf because it’s all about their access.

And then there’s the Oscars. Which conservatives love to scoff at, although they still watch it. George Will actually believed that absent any evidence, Zero Dark Thirty would win Best Picture, to teach those Democrats like Levin and Feinstein a lesson. Because that’s exactly how the Academy thinks.

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