Fools On The Hill

Nicole Sandler of Radio or Not welcomes Crooks & Liars' Nicole Belle to the show every Monday morning for "Fools on the Hill" - watching the Sunday talk shows so you don't have to!

Every Monday morning, C&L's Nicole Belle joins Nicole Sandler on her Radio or Not show to recap the Sunday talk shows.

This week, the conversation began with a discussion of the myriad of stories that should have been discussed, but weren't....

From Nicole Belle:

There are many, many issues this country is facing that merit a serious discussion on the Sunday shows. For example:

But no, that wouldn’t happen on the Sunday shows, because those are issues that Americans are actually grappling with. Instead, guess who all five of the major Sunday news shows booked?

Jeb Bush.

Because, dagnabit, the Beltway media really, really wants to talk about the 2016 race right now and not all those actual issues. And who better to let have a chance to revise history than the brother of the worst president of all time?

And it’s seriously such a blatant attempt at whitewashing. Jebbie told Chris Wallace that he doesn’t think there’s any ‘Bush baggage’ to his potential 2016 run. That’s a whole lot of delusion to have to wade through.
Amazingly, that’s not the only delusional thinking on Fox News Sunday.

Paul Ryan admitted to Chris Wallace that the Republican budget assumes the repeal of Obamacare. To which Wallace replied, "Well, that's not going to happen"

Delusion is sadly rampant in the Republican Party. On This Week, Paul Krugman scoffed at Sen. Ron Johnson argument that we need to cut Social Security and Medicare to save it, calling them non-facts.

Nancy Pelosi told Candy Crowley that in the negotiations towards this Grand Bargain, the idea of raising the eligibility age for Medicare benefits wouldn’t actually strengthen the program, but might be the scalp the Republicans need to be able to do a deal.

And finally, Happy Women History Month. In honor of this and in direct conflict with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s new book urging women to be more ambitious and fill leadership roles, that expert on woment, George Will, tells them to forget it, “No one can have it all.”

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