Fools On The Hill

C&L's Nicole Belle joins Nicole Sandler on her Radio or Not show every Monday morning to deconstruct the Sunday talking head shows in a segment they call "Fools on the Hill"

They were at it again. The so-called "mainstream media" on their Sunday news shows, telling the American people what's going on in an objective, journalistic manner.

Oh, sorry, April Fools Day was last week....

Instead, we were treated to more fools on the hill, talking foolish nonsense.

As Nicole Belle explains:

It’s really tempting to talk about the establishment media as a monolith, even though it really isn’t true. But listen to these chuckleheads and tell me that they are not actively colluding to hurt the country.

Jim Cramer, who famously had his stock picks analyzed and found to perform worse than the market average, is convinced he has the answer to our economic and job woes: the Keystone Pipeline!

Fox News Anchor Greta Van Susteren, who oddly showed up on an ABC News show, failed miserably in trying to explain why the Republicans refuse to raise taxes: because we don’t have the money. Go ahead, make sense of that. Luckily, Paul Krugman was there to set her straight on another ‘laughable’ assertion that the Obama administration was strangling businesses with regulations and that was why the March jobs report was so dismal.

Lindsey Graham didn’t pass up another chance to be on the Sunday shows and let us know what a drama queen he is. He vowed to keep up the Benghazi outrage if Hillary Clinton officially runs for president. But that’s not all. He’s really, really encouraged that Obama is willing to let Grandma eat catfood, because he characterized it as the president “showing a little bit of leg here.” Can I just say ew?

Swanson heir Tucker Carlson, the new host of Fox & Friends Weekend, thinks unemployment insurance benefits are unnecessary and wasteful, but his guest John Tamny, editor of Forbes and RealClearPolitics has to one up Carlson by suggesting that scrapping UEI altogether would be the kindest to the poor, because it disincentives them from looking for work.

Hear Nicole Belle and Nicole Sandler with "Fools on the Hill" every Monday morning at 11:20 ET, or archived anytime, at RadioOrNot.com

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