Nashville Season 2 Episode 8: Hanky Panky Woman

Here's the recap for this week's "Nashville."

We pick up where we left off last week, with Juliette Barnes being hit on by Olivia Wentworth, Charles Wentworth’s crazy wife. "What the hell are you doing?" Juliette sputters. Olivia tells her Charlie wants them to have a threesome -- and Juliette believes her. "I don't like to share," she says. "If there's anyone who's sharing, it's me," Olivia reminds her. "It's my husband you're sleeping with." Juliette leaves town and goes home in a huff to work on songs with Avery.

In the meantime, Teddy offers to go to the doctor's with Not-Pregnant Peggy. Uh oh, time to stage a fake miscarriage with some pig's blood.

Rayna is packing to go to Tampa for the weekend with Luke Wheeler on his tour. "Is he better than Liam?" Tangy wheedles. "I can't compare," Rayna says. They're interrupted by a couple of sheriffs with a court order from Sleazy Jeff, demanding Rayna turn over the masters for her new album.

Deacon shows up in Tampa to see Scarlett open for Luke. Sleazy Jeff appears at the tour and tells Scarlett, "Technically, you answer to me now." Which is not true, but it freaks her out. Kind of like Satan saying, "You belong to me now." Bwahahaha!

What a disaster. She's tentative, her monitor goes out and she freezes. The rowdy crowds boos her, throwing food onstage. Scarlett tries to run off, but Rayna marches her back onstage, good-naturedly chides the crowd for being rude and asks them to be nice to the talented Scarlett. Scarlett performs -- but just barely. She's stiff as a statue.

Rayna tells her not to listen to Jeff. "I don't like him," Scarlett says. "I don't like him, either. He's a bully," Rayna says. "Don't let him get to you."

Juliette and Avery are working on a nice new tune ("Haunted By My Dreams") but her phone keeps lighting up with pleading messages from Charlie. She puts her phone in a glass of water.

Gunnar and Luke are trying to co-write, but Luke tells Gunnar the song's not there yet, it has to sound like his honky-tonk brand.

Juliette tells Avery about Charlie. "Apparently they're into threesomes and I was flavor of the month," she tells him. Avery confesses how used he felt by the female manager who was his sugar mama. "She signed you for a reason," Juliette tells him. "You're not a throwaway."

Meanwhile, Scarlett is backstage, having a meltdown. Deacon tries to reassure her, but it's not working. Deacon tells Rayna he doesn't think Scarlett's cut out for this, but Rayna pooh-poohs him. "She wants this," Rayna says. "She's gonna toughen up, she'll be fine."

Rayna lets Jeff know she's pissed. “You poached one of my artists, you sabotaged another one — what is your endgame?” Rayna asks him. "Every day I don't release a Rayna James, I lose millions," he says. "I should be capitalizing on your accident." He shows her a horrible album cover mockup with Rayna in heavy metal mode -- "I designed it myself." Ugh.

Rayna calls manager Buck. "I swear, I should have just let them arrest me," she fumes.

Juliette confronts Charlie and Olivia, then stomps off.

Meanwhile, Scarlett helps Gunnar work out the rest of the song he's writing for Luke.

Luke and Rayna are in bed, he knows her mind is somewhere else. "It's Jeff. He wants to release my album, and I can't let him do it," Rayna says.

Teddy walks in on Not-Pregnant Peggy as she fake-huddles on the bathroom floor, drops of pig blood artfully dripped on the tiles. "I lost the baby," she sobs.

Luke loves Gunnar's new song and tells him he'll get sole writing credit. (Which means he also gets his showcase deal with Sleazy Jeff.)

At the next night's show, Scarlett is amazing. She's strutting around the stage like she owns it, flirting with the crowd. Who is this woman?

Then Rayna comes out and does a dynamite duet with Luke on Gunnar's new tune, "Ball and Chain."

Scarlett's watching backstage with Deacon. "You miss that?" she says. Deacon replies, "I blew every chance of being a solo artist I ever got." Scarlett reminds him, "You ain't dead yet."

Sleazy Jeff tells Rayna, "That could be song of the year."

Rayna: "Release it as a digital single and release my masters." So they finally strike a deal.

Back in her hotel room, Scarlett makes a phone call. "I pulled it off. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this. I love you and I'll talk to you soon."

Rayna and Luke's affair is heating up. "I love being naked with you," she coos.

Meanwhile, Teddy is taking care of Not-Pregnant Peggy. "I know you just married me 'cause I was pregnant," she sobs. "Don't even go there. You're my wife now, we're together," he says. Why do I get the feeling this does not have a happy ending?

Charlie shows up at Juliette's house, demanding to talk. "I think I'm falling in love with you." Stay tuned!

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