Florida Cop Tasers Female Colleague

In December of last year, a Florida county deputy was caught on CCTV after shocking a colleague with a Taser at the Collier County jail in an incide

In December of last year, a Florida county deputy was caught on CCTV after shocking a colleague with a Taser at the Collier County jail in an incident meant to be a joke. A female deputy showed a message on her iPod to Corporal Wilmer A. Arencibia, who then chased the woman and shocked her on the behind with his Taser. The woman, Arencibia, and other colleagues who witnessed the event were shown on the recording as laughing.

Investigators found the incident rather less amusing. Arencibia admitted during an internal investigation that his actions were ‘a spur of the moment thing’ and acknowledged his behaviour was improper. He was reprimanded and given a final warning. Aside from any questions of sexual harassment, is it any wonder so many Taser incidents in the States end up in tragedies when cops are treating Tasers as toys?

Video of the incident here:


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