C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Nirvana

It was just announced that Nirvana is a nominee for the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. Is that an arbitrary recognition that doesn't really reflect the quality of an artist's work or their accomplishments? Probably.

It was just announced that Nirvana is a nominee for the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. Is that an arbitrary recognition that doesn't really recognize an the quality of an artist's work or their accomplishments? Probably, but it's still a good reminder to listen to some Nirvana. So even though we don't need any silly award shows to remind us what bands had a true influence on the music of their time, we still have the music to remember them by. This song is one of Nirvana's lesser-known works, appearing only as a single and on compilation albums. It details a child's tantrum being thrown over being babysat by his grandparents. This is certainly a departure from the common angsty Grunge subject matter and showcased the band's playful side. Hall of Famers or not, it's nice to remember a great band every once in a while.

Got any favorite lesser-known songs from a band you like?

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