Aussie Politicians Go Punk

Aussie Politicians Go Punk

If you thought Australian politicians were way cooler, or just as phony, as their American brethren this litle music video by the punk band The Bestie Boys might add more fuel for that debate.


IF you thought this year was a particularly bad one for Australian politics, prepare to have it flash before your very eyes in a new music video.

Canberra's indie punk band Super Best Friends have rounded up the country's leaders and press gangs to help them film their latest single, Round and Round.

What follows is something that will be talked about - at least for today.

The bipartisan approach means everyone gets a look in, from Kevin Rudd (percussion) and Tony Abbott (on the bike), to Senator Nick Xenophon (on guitar) and Anthony Albanese (the aeroplane), plus Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Christine Milne and even Clive Palmer gets a look-in.

Yes, it is a cringe-fest like no other and will certainly add weight to the argument overseas that we're not a particularly serious mob when it comes to politics.


The Hon Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd
Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott
Leader of the Greens, Christine Milne
Deputy Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese
Deputy Leader of the Nationals, Barnaby Joyce
Minister Joel Fitzgibbon
Senator Nick Xenophon
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young
Member for Lyne, Rob Oakeshott
Leader of Katter Australia Party, Bob Katter
Member for Longman, Wyatt Roy
Member for Chifley, Ed Husic
Leader of the Palmer United Party, Clive Palmer

Chris Uhlmann (ABC)
Mark Simkin (ABC)
Mark Riley (Seven)
Hugh Riminton (Ten)
Paul Bongiorno (Ten)
Kieren Gilbert (Sky News)

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