CNBC'S Cramer And Burnett Tie Iranian Election To Employee Free Choice Act

Via Media Matters, via rightwing site The above video exchange was first highlighted by, who approvingly cited Burne

Media Matters, via rightwing site

The above video exchange was first highlighted by, who approvingly cited Burnett's observations as noting "a teachable moment," which "reflects how secret ballots could end up in an election as to whether or not unionize a company."

Oil is not going up because...

"North Korea, Syria - I mean these are places when they always have elections, there's always a couple of people who don't vote for the right guy," Cramer said. "But I think the price of oil is going to tell you exactly how everything is going to play out in Iran, which is it's much ado about nothing."

and for Newsbusters, "a teachable moment", as Media Matters points out.

However, as Jim Cramer's colleague, "Street Signs" host Erin Burnett pointed out - this is a teachable moment. It reflects how secret ballots could end up in an election as to whether or not unionize a company:

CRAMER: I mean obviously, you were able to vote against this guy, but the idea you thought there was going to be a fair count.

BURNETT: And it wasn't a secret ballot. I think that's important. They're going to know - they know everybody and how they voted.

CRAMER: Absolutely.

BURNETT: It makes a strong point for this whole union conversation we're having in this country.

CRAMER: The card check, the card check.

BURNETT: But, we'll leave that debate ...

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