Colbert: 'How Dare You Cast Aspersions On That Man's Asparagus!'

Stephen Colbert got to the bottom (the very bottom) of 'Asparagusgate' last night, the dust-up between Attorney-General Eric Holder and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Asparagusgate' last night, the dust-up between Attorney-General Eric Holder and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

“How dare you cast aspersion on that man’s asparagus! What is next, sir? Libeling his lettuce? Questioning his quinoa? Arguing with his arugula? Repudiating his rutabaga?! Vilifying his vinaigrette before drizzling it on his scandal salad?”

Edit: As noted below, "Gohmert" is listed in Urban Dictionary as


verb: to say something that is obviously and patently untrue to the point of stupidity, then when called upon to provide concrete evidence of the assertion, to flounder about angrily while shouting about the integrity of the questioner.

The Congressman Gohmerted for 5 minutes when called upon by Anderson Cooper to provide evidence that terror babies are being sneaked across the border.

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