Colbert Slams McCain For His Bullsh*t On DADT
Colbert ripped into McCain's obvious hypocrisy that contradicted his own statements from 2006: MCCAIN: My opinion is shaped by the view of the lead
Colbert ripped into McCain's obvious hypocrisy that contradicted his own statements from 2006:
MCCAIN: My opinion is shaped by the view of the leaders of the military. The reason why I supported the policy to start with is because General Colin Powell, who was then the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the one that strongly recommended we adopt this policy in the Clinton administration. I have not heard General Powell or any of the other military leaders reverse their position, just like when on other issues, that people are expert and knowledgeable of, I rely on their opinion. But this is unique. These military leaders are responsible for the very lives of the men and women under their command, and that's why I am especially guided, to a large degree, by their views.
Cut ahead to 2010 and those same leaders are all calling for a repeal of an outdated policy. But John McCain remains fixed and immovable, the consummate panderer. McCain's someone who has somehow managed to get away with this crap for thirty years, mainly I suspect because those in the traditional media do not do their job, leaving it up to Colbert, Stewart and a handful of others.
We haven't heard a peep from the Commandant of the Coast Guard, the Chief of Naval Operations, Cap'n Crunch, Major Garrett, Sgt. Slaughter, Lt. Dan, 'Private Practice,' or Col. Sanders.