Consumer Reports Gives Thumbs Up To Healthcare.gov

Consumer Reports Gives Thumbs Up to Healthcare.gov

Back in October right wing pundits of all shapes and sizes, most notably Sean Hannity on Fox News, was crowing that Consumer Reports had thrown in the towel on Obamacare, fed up with an unworkable website. And while that part was a lie, they did advise waiting a month or so while the website was fixed. Today though they're singing a completely different tune, calling the new site at HealthCare.gov "terrific".

via Mediaite

After advising consumers to steer clear of Healthcare.gov in October, Consumer Reports health care expert Nancy Metcalf told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Tuesday morning that the federal health care exchange website was improved enough following the Obama administration’s frantic month of repairs that users could confidently use it. […]

“Now we’re saying, ‘it’s time,’” Metcalf said, in particular praising the new window-shopping function, in which users can peruse health plans without registering with the site. The requirement to make an account before viewing options was considered one of the main causes for the site’s initial traffic bottleneck. “It’s terrific, I’ve tried it, it was working yesterday through the busiest times,” Metcalf said.

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