David Gergen: Many 'Horrified' By Republican Debate

David Gergen: Many 'Horrified' By Republican Debate

CNN's resident expert on drawing political false equivalences ruffled Republican tail feathers for once with this bit of commentary after the CNN/Tea Party debate the other night. Not that I disagree with him either on this point as the crazy was front and center all night. It's just nice to see the shoe on the other foot for a change.

GERGEN: Oh, I think that she made a point that resonated back home with a lot of people on the question of the 30-year-old who was dying being allowed to die and the kind of response in the hall.

You will recall in that last debate Governor Perry made this point about executions in Texas and there was this big applause and it got a lot of commentary. My sense is that that exchange also will get some comment out there, Anderson, because what I find so interesting is that people in this hall really did groove on much of what they heard.

This is what they wanted to hear from these candidates. There are a lot of people around the country who are just like the folks in this room. And yet there are a huge number of people, an equal number of people who I think were horrified by what they heard in this room.

I was getting notes about they ought to keep this people locked up and not let them out. Don't let them do anything to the country.

So, this race is increasingly I think bringing to light and once again how divided and how splintered we are and how hard it's going to be for anybody to govern when this is over.

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