Elizabeth Warren Responds To Preposterous Rove Attack Ad

Elizabeth Warren responds to preposterous Rove Attack Ad

First she was the radical leftist that inspired the Occupy movement. Now she's in the pockets of the big banks. Elizabeth Warren just shrugs off the rightwing inanity and pledges to keep on keeping on.

via the blog Blue Mass Group:

Let’s remember that this attack was classic Karl Rove: Take the alleged strength of your opponent, and turn it completely on its head. Doesn’t matter if there’s not a shred of truth to the attack whatsoever; in fact, it’s a bait for the media to start a “some say this/some say that” type conversation. Doubtless you’ll start to see this, particularly from the Herald.

Classic Swiftboating. And this response is pretty good. I like how she names names: It’s Karl. We know him, and we know what he does.

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