False Equivalences: Contraception = Gym Memberships

False Equivalences: Contraception=Gym Memberships

The Blaze noted that host Soledad O'Brien also took issue with Cain's gym membership analogy after the Fluke segment ended.

SOLEDAD O'BRIEN: I would add to that, isn’t gym membership — isn’t part of her argument if gym membership were covered for other employees? It’s covered for other people at Georgetown. Her point was that the janitors actually get their contraception covered. The gym membership I think is a flawed analogy.

WILL CAIN: No, it focuses on the right question. Should employers determine the benefits or should the government be mandating what employers provide?

For Cain and others of his ilk, it's quite all right for an employer to dictate benefits and choose what is and what is not considered basic health coverage, as the market is all-knowing and all-powerful. Yet it is quite shameful for an entity representative of the people to have the same powers and judgement, as that would be dictatorial.

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