Fox Freaks: 'Jim Carrey Has Killed More People Than All The Rifles Combined'

Fox Freaks: 'Jim Carrey Has Killed More People Than All the Rifles Combined'

"Cold Dead Hand") yesterday. Carrey's spoof of the NRA and Charlton Heston had The Five spitting nails, with Greg Gutfeld leading the charge, calling Carrey "a pathetic, sad, little freak" and "a modern bigot", among other epithets.

GUTFELD: “He is the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth. And I hope his career is dead, and he ends up sleeping in a car the way his life began. This video only made me want to go out and only buy a gun. He thinks this is biting satire and going after rural America and a dead man. Let’s talk about Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston was one of the first actors to be behind the civil rights movement and march. What did this jackass Jim Carrey do? He was behind the anti-vaccine panic. There are what, 165,000 people that died from measles last year, according to the World Health Organization.”

“Jim Carrey has killed more people than all the rifles combined,” Gutfeld continued. “He is a dirty, stinking coward. He is a moral coward. He did a video attacking rural America. But he wouldn’t do video about gangs, which kills way more people with handguns — he wouldn’t do that because he is worried about his career. Such a pathetic, sad, little freak. He is a jiberring mess. He is a modern bigot, he is a modern bigot. He is a bottomless pit of insecurity and the desire for acceptance is why he is doing this, because he knows in his heart he is a fraud.”

Dana Perino chirped in that Carrey was attacking rural America, while Eric Bolling saw it as self-promotion. Token liberal Bob Beckel wondered why "a foreigner" (Jim Carrey is Canadian) was commenting at all.

And on and on it went. This is just one of several more versions Fox has aired since, with Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham also giving their brand of faux outrage.

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