Maria Bartiromo: Obamacare Making U.S. Part-Time Nation

Maria Bartiromo: Obamacare Making U.S. Part-Time Nation

PolitiFact, a fact-checking site with a spotty record at best, manages to get this one right, calling her claim False.

Among the many problems that critics of Obamacare like to highlight, one of the more common is that the health care law undermines jobs and the economy. This was Maria Bartiromo’s theme when she was on NBC’s Meet the Press. Bartiromo, anchor of CNBC’s Closing Bell, said the glitches that have beset the rollout of Obamacare are not the only issue.

"Businesses have changed their plans as a result of Obamacare," Bartiromo said. "We are becoming something of a part-time employment country. We're seeing some groups moved off of health care from business because business is complaining that it's too expensive."

If we boil that down, we have this claim to check: "As a result of Obamacare, we are becoming something of a part-time employment country."

It's somewhat telling that when PolitiFact contacted CNBC to supply some proof for this claim, CNBC provided them with information from Red Alert Politics, a website affiliated with the Weekly Standard and Washington Examiner, and an editorial from the Wall Street Journal, a claim later refuted by the economics page at the Wall Street Journal. Doh.

You can go through PolitiFact's refutation, which wasn't that hard. But Betsey Stevenson, a White House economic advisor seems to do all that in a single graphic. And for those wondering about the Joey Ramone reference, click here.

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