McCain: U.S. Will Have ‘Most Militarized’ Border Since The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

McCain: U.S. Will Have ‘Most Militarized’ Border Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall

McCain actually said this like it was something to be proud about. McCain was on CNN this morning speaking about the Corker-Hoeven amendment which is supposed to win support from any wavering Republicans in the senate.

McCAIN: "I think that, first of all, the legislation concerning beefed up border security removes any validity to the argument that border security is not sufficient. I mean, this is not only sufficient, it is well over sufficient. We'll be the most militarized border since the fall of the Berlin Wall so that's why I think this amendment was very important."

As if a 700 mile border fence wasn't convincing enough of the suckitude of this amendment put in place to guarantee passage, through the senate anyway, Senator McCain then listed off the onerous measures which will be enacted before any of these people can actually become citizens.

McCAIN: "Are we going to let a de facto amnesty of 11 million people living in the shadows in this country or are we going to see a path forward? And that path forward is clearly one that gives people a legal status but then a long, tough, hard road to citizenship. I mean 10, 13 years, longer than that, pay fines, pay back taxes, learn English, get in line behind everyone else. So, this is a border security measure which I think should suffice to satisfy any critic and it is a way forward — a tough way forward — so that we can resolve this and bring 11 million people out of the shadows."

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