Mitt Dancing Around The Issues
Mitt Dancing Around The Issues
This will piss off Team Romney no end. The Romney's Olympic caliber Dressage Horse is a point of some pride for the Romney's, both Mitt and especially for his wife Anne. The Democrats are now ridiculing, and showing open contempt for Mitt Romney, seemingly without any real response.
Mitt Romney and the Romney's dressage horse Rafalca, dancing around the issue of secrecy.
QUESTIONER: Governor will you release your income tax records?
ROMNEY: If thats been the tradition then I'm not opposed to doing it, time will tell. I anticipate that most likely am going to get asked to do that around the April time period and I'll keep that open.KING: When you release yours, will you follow you father's example?
ROMNEY: Maybe, you know I don't know how many years I'll release. I'll take a look at what our documents are and I'll release multiple years. I don't know how many years, but I'll be happy to do thatALEXANDER: Why do you have a swiss bank account and what do you say to America people who ask about that and why you don't have your money in a US bank
ROMNEY: Actually the money I have is managed by a blind trust... I don't manage the money that I haveCHYRON: Do we really want a President who dances around the issues?
Update: And on cue, the DNC have now apologized to Anne Romney for causing any possible offense, promising no more horsey ads.