Mona Fights The Muslim Stereotypes

Bill Maher tried out his best Bill O'Reilly impersonation last night with guest Mona Eltahawy, Egyptian-born journalist and a leading advocate for the current uprising.

Bill Maher tried out his best Bill O'Reilly impersonation last night on Real Time with guest Mona Eltahawy, Egyptian-born journalist and a leading advocate for the current uprising. While O'Reilly Maher trotted out a list of pseudo-"facts" underlining the "reality" of the Arab world to someone who was born there, Eltahawy smacked his arguments down one by one, saying at one point "I didn't think we were going to get into Fox News sparring matches". She declared that what we're seeing now with this uprising is nothing less than the demolition of these myths about the Arab world, for example the need for the strong man as leader, and that the people are inherently passive and lazy.

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) was impressed enough to say: "Sister's on message. She does not flinch. You're exactly right," as she detailed where the money and support comes from that allows dictators like Hosni Mubarak to stay in power for so long.

The segment above was from the Overtime portion, which was not aired but appears on the Real Time website. The full segment which aired is seen below the fold.

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