NSFW Political Ad
The Connecticut Democratic party put out yesterday one of the more salacious and offensive political ads I've ever seen. They did so by simply takin
The Connecticut Democratic party put out yesterday one of the more salacious and offensive political ads I've ever seen. They did so by simply taking some WWE clips from YouTube and mixed that with a voice-over from former WWE CEO Linda McMahon, now running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Connecticut.
Within an hour of this web ad going up YouTube removed the clips in question. The fact remains though that few political candidates usually want their names associated with simulated rape, public sex acts, and necrophilia.
From a press release put out by CT Dems Colleen Flanagan:
As WWE Chief Operating Officer, Linda McMahon presided over programming that showed simulated rape, public sex and necrophilia, and now she wants to be our U.S. Senator? People across this state, not to mention the millions of women who are the victims of sexual violence every year, would be horrified and embarrassed to know that the person who seeks to represent them condones this kind of behavior. That kind of programming has no place in our society, and Linda McMahon has no place in the U.S. Senate.