Pima County GOP Get An Earful Over Glock Handgun Raffle
Pima County Republicans Get An Earful Over Glock Handgun Raffle
TUCSON, AZ (AP/KOLD) - The Pima County Republican Party is drawing scathing criticism for its decision to raffle a Glock handgun.
It's the same brand of gun authorities say accused shooter Jared Loughner used in the January 8 shootings in Tucson that killed six and wounded 13, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
Democrats are calling it "a stunning lack of judgment and sensitivity."
The story has gone viral.
The Glock raffle is on the local Republican Party's website.
In a news release, Arizona House Minority Leader Chad Campbell said, "Their raffle is not common sense; it is sick, and the Pima County GOP should call off the raffle in respect for the Arizonans who died and were injured in the Tucson shooting."The raffle is not sitting well with the Pima County GOP's former chairman.
Brian Miller says "It's a human issue. It's a sensitivity thing. It's a result, like I said, a result of echo chamber thinking. It's myopia."
Chairman of the GOP's legislative district that includes the southern Tucson area, James Kelley, says he advised his colleagues not to raffle the gun.
He acknowledges the party has held previous gun raffles without problems, "but post-Jan. 8, it's bad messaging, and it's insensitive."