Rep. Steve Cohen Commemorates The Life Of Alex Chilton

(WSJ) Alex Chilton, leader of the late-60s pop group the Box Tops and the early-70s rock quartet Big Star, was fondly remembered by musicians and cr

(WSJ) Alex Chilton, leader of the late-60s pop group the Box Tops and the early-70s rock quartet Big Star, was fondly remembered by musicians and critics shocked by the influential singer’s death Wednesday, at age 59.

But perhaps the most unexpectedly heartfelt eulogy was delivered on the House floor Thursday, courtesy of Congressmen Steve Cohen (D-Tenn).

Cohen opened his remarks by quoting lyrics from the Box Tops’ “The Letter”–the first (and only) No. 1 hit of Chilton’s career, released when he was just 16 years old.

“He is an embodiment of Memphis music: hard, different, independent, beautiful,” said Cohen, whose district includes most of the city. “We’re lucky he came our way.”

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