Reviews Are In For 'Sarah Palin's Alaska'
What even Fox says when the cameras aren't on...
What even Fox says when the cameras aren't on....
Liz Trotta quotes Alessandra Stanley's line in the Ny Times as the best take:
“Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” which begins on Sunday, is odder than that. The snowcapped mountains, pine forests and shimmering lakes are majestic, the Palin children are adorable, and the series looks like a travelogue — wholesome, visually breathtaking and a little dull. In a way it’s like “The Sound of Music” but without the romance, the Nazis or the music.
But for my money Jennifer Braceras in the ultra conservative Boston Herald takes the cake:
Isn’t such low-brow, exhibitionism beneath the dignity of a former governor and potential presidential candidate?
Don’t get me wrong. As a conservative, I still support many of Palin’s policy views. And as a celebrity gossip hound, I might just keep watching her show.
But vote for her? At this point, I might as well vote for Snooki.
Now that would be “flippin’ fun!”
As for ratings success Palin seems to be laughing all the way to the bank. Via the LA Times:
Sarah Palin has once again refudiated her detractors. The critics may not have loved her new TLC reality show, but the former Alaska governor proved she is ratings gold.
"Sarah Palin's Alaska" was the most-watched series launch in TLC history, with an average of 5 million total viewers tuning in to Sunday's premiere, according to early data from the Nielsen Co. That's not that far away from the 5.2 million viewers for the Season 2 premiere of MTV's hit "Jersey Shore" earlier this year.
True, the Palin audience did seem to skew a bit on the old side. Only 1.6 million viewers -- less than one-third of the total -- were in the advertiser-friendly demographic of adults age 18 to 49. That suggests that Palin may still have some work to do in connecting with younger voters -- er, viewers.