Rick Sanchez Wags His Finger At Marsha Blackburn

[media id=7361] You Tube h/t David and CSPANJunkie for the videos Rick Sanchez mildly rebukes Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) for her continued wing

You Tube

h/t David and CSPANJunkie for the videos

Rick Sanchez mildly rebukes Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) for her continued wingnuttery. As the republicans get all self-righteous about a stimulus bill which is supposed to aid an economy decimated by eight years of foolishness by the Bush administration, House Republicans practice revisionist history to minimize their own collosal failure. These proud "fiscal conservatives" [sic] let the Bush mis-administration run wild for eight years, with ne'er a mention of deficits, debt, and not once mentioning something as arcane as balancing the budget. As Dick Cheney said "Deficits don't matter."

Let's go back a bit and examine what Bill Clinton left for the incoming Bush administration:

--A $230 billion surplus, with a projected elimination of the national debt by 2012. [Bush's tax cuts nixed that idea rather quickly.]

--A total national debt of $5.6 trillion.

Barack Obama inherits a deficit projected to be well over $1 trillion and growing for 2009. The national debt now stands at $10.7 trillion, or nearly double what is was in 2000. That is $37,703 for every man, woman, and child in the U.S.


Increases in the National Debt Chart

(Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt )

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