Romney: 'When You Give A Speech You Talk About The Things You Think Are Important'

Romney: ' When you give a speech you talk about the things you think are important'

Fox News

BAIER: A few more things, Governor. To hear several speakers in Charlotte - and I don't think this is jump (?) - they were essentially saying you don't care about the U.S. military because you didn't mention U.S. troops and the war in Afghanistan in your nomination acceptance speech. (....) Do you regret opening up this line of attack, now a recurring attack, by leaving out that issue in the speech?

ROMNEY: I only regret you repeating it day in and day out. (LAUGHS)

BAIER: Well I mean, what just came from Charlotte -

ROMNEY: Because when you give a speech, you don't give a laundry list. You talk about the things that uh you think are important.

I've cut him off right there, deliberately. Romney would go on to give the lamest of excuses, that he had indeed mentioned the military in his speech, that he'd visited an American Legion the day before, and that he absolutely opposed cuts in military spending, and so on. A better answer -- and a better man-- would have just owned up to this error, admitted it, and perhaps gotten some props for honesty. But that man wouldn't be Willard Mitt Romney.

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