Steve King Tries To Fundraise Off Liberal Group's Video, Hilarity Ensues
Steve King Tries To Fundraise Off Liberal Group's Video, Hilarity Ensues
And y'all thought Louie Gohmert was the dumbest schmuck in congress. Here's jackass Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) trying to outdo the Gohmer.
via Business Insider
On Monday, King sent out a fundraising email to supporters based on the comments, saying it was clear he had been taken out of context and "complimented legal immigrants." He urges supporters to watch the video and "make a generous donation to my campaign" if they agree.
The problem: On the donation page, King's campaign embedded a YouTube video that was clipped by a tracker from American Bridge, the liberal opposition-slinging group that first spotted the comments.
In response to King using their video, American Bridge decided to have some fun with their video and made a few key alterations near its start. The first pop-up tells viewers, "Don't listen to Steve King's excuses. Comparing immigrants to dogs is offensive." The second pop-up links to a video compilation of some of King's more controversial remarks throughout his time in Congress.