Rick Barber's Tea Party Ad: "Gather Your Armies"
Quick: which state seems to have gone off its collective nut the most this year? If you said Alabama you could well be right. From CBS: Rick Ba
Quick: which state seems to have gone off its collective nut the most this year? If you said Alabama you could well be right. From CBS:
Rick Barber, a Tea Party-affiliated candidate for Congress in Alabama's second district, released an ad Sunday in which he angrily tells men dressed as America's founding fathers that Americans are being taxed without representation, prompting the George Washington character to soberly intone that the time had come to "gather your armies."
...In an earlier video, Barber railed against Islam and complained that "the Obama administration wants to call 9/11 a man-caused disaster." (Watch above.) He goes on to complain that "Muslims want to build a mosque just two blocks from where the World Trade Center once stood."
Barber's ad is the latest in a string of striking ads to come out of Alabama Republicans in the 2010 campaign cycle. Among them: Tim James' "We speak English" spot; Les Philips' forged Obama photo ad; Dale Peterson's angry horse-and-Winchester spot; and the ad from the state teachers union attacking Bradley Byrne for allegedly believing in evolution.