Tom Geoghegan Thanks The Netroots

Adam Green of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) has posted this video on YouTube in support of Tom Geoghegan who's contesting the Mar

Adam Green of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) has posted this video on YouTube in support of Tom Geoghegan who's contesting the March 3rd special election to replace Rahm Emanuel in Illinois' 5th District.

A bunch of netroots folks threw a small-dollar fundraising event for Tom Geoghegan this week in Washington, D.C. Together, we raised a whopping $3,800 on ActBlue and in-person -- enough to fund 2 field organizers for the final month before the March 3 special election to replace Rahm Emanuel.

Tom taped a video thanking everyone for their support, and detailing the bold progressive issues he will champion in Congress. Can you check out the video and help the PCCC keep the momentum going for Tom by chipping chipping in with an online donation today?

Tom is a famed labor lawyer who wrote legendary pro-worker books like Which Side Are You On? David Sirota calls him "one of the greatest living progressives in America" and a writer at The Nation wrote "Tom could be the next Paul Wellstone." The new PCCC made Tom its first supported candidate.

There will likely be a dozen or so candidates on the ballot. As Jerome Armstrong says, "It's going to be a split vote, and Tom, a real true progressive, has a great shot to win this wide open race".

As he prepares for the final push, now is the moment Tom needs our help. Please consider donating what you can today.

(Original PCCC event co-hosts: Adam Green, Dave Meyer, Nolan Treadway, Stephanie Taylor, Ali Savino, Erin Hoeftig, April Pederson, Jeff Jacobs, Tom Adkins, John Aravosis)

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