The Daily Show: The Vagina Idealogues - MI Lawmaker Banned From Speaking

The Vagina Idealogues - Michigan Lawmaker Banned From Speaking

Jon Stewart takes a look at the foolish goings-on last week in the Michigan State Assembly, an assembly where apparently you cannot say the word "vagina" although you are free to legislate what is done with them.

In response to several proposed anti-abortion bills, Michigan lawmaker Lisa Brown unleashes a pretty decent vagina zinger on Republicans during floor debate.

And a partial transcript from the video.

[In] Michigan last week, Republican lawmakers were introducing several bills that would create more stringent regulations on abortions and abortion providers, which, in and of itself, would obviously not be news. But it is news for this one glorious bit of floor debate.

MICHIGAN STATE REP. LISA BROWN, D-WEST BLOOMFIELD (6/13/2012): And finally, Mr. Speaker, I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no!

(wild audience cheering)

Zing!! That's Michigan Democrat Lisa Brown, with a pretty decent vagina zinger. Which, by the way, is my favorite Celestial Seasonings tea.

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