Campbell Brown Rips "Bush The Cowboy" For Bin Laden Statements

[media id=7114] CNN: It was one of the best-known lines President Bush ever uttered, just a few months after the September 11 attacks. Who can forge


It was one of the best-known lines President Bush ever uttered, just a few months after the September 11 attacks. Who can forget what he said about catching Osama bin Laden? Listen.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't care, dead or alive, either way. I mean, I -- it doesn't matter to me.

BROWN: That was Bush the cowboy with a pledge to the American people. At the time, it felt as though, frankly, there was no bigger priority. But it is now eight years later. Listen to President Bush talk about bin Laden now at end of his presidency, a chastened cowboy at best.

First, though, we are, as always, "Cutting Through The Bull."

It was one of the best-known lines President Bush ever uttered, just a few months after the September 11 attacks. Who can forget what he said about catching Osama bin Laden?


GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't care, dead or alive, either way. I mean, I -- it doesn't matter to me.


BROWN: That was Bush the cowboy with a pledge to the American people. At the time, it felt as though, frankly, there was no bigger priority. But it is now eight years later. Listen to President Bush talk about bin Laden now at end of his presidency, a chastened cowboy at best.


LARRY KING, HOST, "LARRY KING LIVE": Are we ever, ever going to find bin Laden?

BUSH: Yes, of course, absolutely.

KING: You're confident based on?

BUSH: Because we have got a lot of people looking for him, a lot of assets out there. And you can't run forever, just like the people who are allegedly involved in the East African bombings. A couple of them were brought to justice recently.


KING: Did we ever come close?

BUSH: I don't know. I can't answer that.

KING: You don't know or you...

BUSH: I really don't know. No, I'm not trying to hide anything.


BROWN: Now, you would think that, of all people, he would be able to answer that question.

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