Daily Show: Battle Of The Ideological Cable News Networks

[media id=6879] Jon Stewart tries to make the case that MSNBC is drifting as far leftward as FOX has always been rightward. I'll admit that some of t

Jon Stewart tries to make the case that MSNBC is drifting as far leftward as FOX has always been rightward. I'll admit that some of the comparisons are pretty damn accurate...although the Olbermann/Hannity might be going a tad bit too far.

On the similarities between O'Reilly and Chris Matthews

"Last month's election marked a poltiical sea change in America. But what about news-wise? Clearly FOX news will no longer be the mouthpiece of this new administration. who will step up to full that gap?"

[glowing MSNBC Obama commercial]

Subtle. But you know, MSNBC, it's not as simple as soaring music and a full scale embrace of the candidate's slogan. If you wanna be the administration's news source of choice, you're going to need foot soldiers. For instance, you're going to need a freakishly over-sized, ruddy-faced Irish multi-millionaire who still clings to his blue collar roots.

I can't tell you how happy I am that Stewart threw in that jab at Doocy at the end. Absolutely love it. And he's got a great point at the end there about MSNBC's documentary marathons. While CNN and FOX were covering the Mumbai attacks, MSNBC held strong with a full days worth of specials about local newscasters getting attacked by unwilling subjects. C'mon, Peacock!

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