FBI Forced To Shift Attention Away From Terrorism, Towards Financial Fraud

How can you tell when the economy is in really bad shape? Maybe when FBI special agents go on record saying that terrorism is less of a threat to the

How can you tell when the economy is in really bad shape? Maybe when FBI special agents go on record saying that terrorism is less of a threat to the United States than rampant financial fraud.


The FBI has engaged in “triage,” taking agents off terror and other crimes to respond to a cascade of financial frauds such as the alleged Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme, the head of the bureau’s New York criminal division said.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was forced to reallocate its manpower in New York to deal with recent frauds involving subprime mortgages, auction-rate securities and Madoff, who prosecutors said confessed this month to bilking investors out of $50 billion, FBI official David Cardona said in an interview.

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