Joe The Plumber Questions Obama's Loyalty To The US
I'm so sick of this freaking clown already. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this guy is a full-blown McCain surrogate now and
I'm so sick of this freaking clown already. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this guy is a full-blown McCain surrogate now and McCain should be forced to repudiate this kind of divisive crap.
"McCain has fought and bled for our country, loves our country," said Joe Wurzelbacher, aka "Joe the Plumber," who has campaigned throughout Ohio with and on behalf of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. "There's too many questions with Barack Obama and his loyalty to our country. And I question that greatly."
Fox News' Neil Cavuto tried to clarify: "You're not doubting that he's a good American. Or you are?"
"His ideology is completely different from what democracy stands for," said Wurzelbacher.