Karl Rove Lamely Attempts To Defend Bush's Approval Ratings

Karl Rove, the "architect" of the George W. Bush presidency, appeared this morning on the TODAY show to talk about President-elect Obama's transitio

Karl Rove, the "architect" of the George W. Bush presidency, appeared this morning on the TODAY show to talk about President-elect Obama's transition team and offered perhaps the weakest "defense" of George Bush's almost universal unpopularity. According to Rove, who for some reason is still lauded by the villagers as some sort of political genius, the problem is not with Bush and all the terrible decisions he's made, but rather with the American people who have simply become "tired" after eight long years of disastrous GOP rule. The fun begins at 4:10.

Lauer: "President Bush said in an interview recently that he's 'sure some of the vote for Barack Obama were a repudiation of Republicans' and he said 'I'm sure some people voted for Barack Obama because of me.' He's leaving office with dismal approval rating. What went wrong? You were the architect of this administration in many ways. What went wrong."

Rove: "Well, first of all, let's look at what went right. [..] Look, at the end of eight years -- Republicans or Democrats...when they've had the White House -- people tire of it."

Yes, Karl, because if President Bush had actually done, you know, a good job of governing this country, people would still hate him. I understand that Rove wants to deny the fact that he is primarily responsible for creating this monster, but now should really be the time for serious introspection.

And don't even get me started on the whole "George W. Bush liberated millions of Iraqis and Afghans" nonsense. Sure Saddam was deposed, but look at what has filled that vacuum. Not to mention also the incredible cost in American blood and treasure expended. This guy really does "create his own reality."

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