Lieberman Cracks Waterboarding Jokes At Black-tie Dinner

Politico's Mike Allen has some quotes from the private Alfalfa dinner last night, including a knee-slapper Joe Lieberman told about Dick Cheney and

Politico's Mike Allen has some quotes from the private Alfalfa dinner last night, including a knee-slapper Joe Lieberman told about Dick Cheney and torture.


More from Senator Lieberman: 'We had hoped Vice President Cheney would be here tonight. I hope it's not his back injury that's keeping him away. Apparently, he hurt it moving some things out of his office. Personally, I had no idea that waterboards were so heavy. ... I was so close [to being McCain's vice president]: As close as Alaska is to Russia. ... I hear that President Obama will soon be visiting the Washington offices of the New York Times as part of his search for a new house of Worship ... On the other hand, I appreciated your humility when you chose not to arrive at your Inaugural ceremony by walking across the reflecting pool..'

Classy, Joe. Click through to the article because there are actually a few funny lines, including these great ones from President Obama to Sarah Palin:

I never expected you to be PALLING AROUND with THIS crowd. I want to congratulate you on your Golden Globe for '30 Rock.'

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