Official Obama Presidential Portrait Released

This really isn't big news or anything, but I thought the description on the official Change.gov site was pretty cool and very symbolic. Change.gov:

This really isn't big news or anything, but I thought the description on the official Change.gov site was pretty cool and very symbolic.


Today we are releasing the new official portrait for President Barack Obama.

It was taken by Pete Souza, the newly-announced official White House photographer.

It is the first time that an official presidential portrait was taken with a digital camera.

Awesome. I imagine John McCain's official photographer would have used something similar to this. I kid. I kid. Click here for the full, hi-res photo.

This comment from a HuffPo reader sums up my thoughts exactly.

I love the moment though. It captures him at this time, a smile for his love of the country, a direct look for his honesty and integrity, a slightly furrowed brow understanding the enormity of what he faces.

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