What's Wrong With Alaska Politicians?

I think there's something in the water in Alaska that causes it's politicians to flat out deny reality. Just as Sarah Palin denied that she violated a

I think there's something in the water in Alaska that causes it's politicians to flat out deny reality. Just as Sarah Palin denied that she violated any ethics rules re: Troopergate when, in fact, the report concluded just that, Ted Stevens is now running around claiming that he hasn't been convicted of anything yet, despite his conviction last week on seven counts of corruption.

Anchorage Daily News:

"I've not been convicted yet," Stevens said Thursday in a meeting with the editorial board of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. "There's not a black mark by my name yet, until the appeal is over and I am finally convicted, if that happens. If that happens, of course I'll do what's right for Alaska and for the Senate. ... I don't anticipate it happening, and until it happens I do not have a black mark."

Stevens reiterated that position during a televised debate late Thursday night, declaring early in the give-and-take with Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich, "I have not been convicted of anything."

[HT: Balloon Juice]

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