Mike's Blog Round Up
Okay, we all know there's only question that really matters today: Who is your next... American... Idol?! Lippmann's Ghost: On how what Romney did at Bain is well worth exploring. Thump and Whip: On whether Romney should embrace his Richie
Okay, we all know there's only question that really matters today: Who is your next... American... Idol?!
Lippmann's Ghost: On how what Romney did at Bain is well worth exploring.
Thump and Whip: On whether Romney should embrace his Richie Rich persona.
The Impolitic: On the ridiculous "Obama is a big spender" lie.
I'm pulling for Jessica tonight. Because she's rather less derivative than the lame Dave Matthews rip-off known as Phillip Phillips.
Mario Piperni: On gays, the supposed sanctity of marriage, and ickiness.
Gin and Tacos: On how Bill Kristol is wrong about everything, again.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings). I'll be here all week.
Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.