From '1776': The Eagle Inside Belongs To Us
Today I was downtown, driving through the historic area so many Philadelphians take for granted. As always, I was deeply moved by the sight of the
Today I was downtown, driving through the historic area so many Philadelphians take for granted. As always, I was deeply moved by the sight of the visitors who come all over the world to spend Independence Day in my home town.
Think about that. They could have gone somewhere else, or stayed home for a backyard barbecue. Instead, they came to Philadelphia for July 4th because they're drawn by the idea of liberty, and the ideals expressed in our Declaration of Independence.
It seems our elected officials forget about those ideals. But we haven't! Sure, there are many reasons to be depressed, but don't give up. Get mad, get organized! Remember, it's our country. It doesn't belong to the corporations.
It belongs to us.
It's a masterpiece, I say!
They will cheer every word, every letter
I wish I felt that way
I believe I can put it better
Now then attend, as friend to friend
Our Declaration Committee
For us I see immortality
In Philadelphia City
A farmer, a lawyer, and a sage
A bit gouty in the leg
You know it's quite bizarre
To think that here we are
Playing midwives to an egg
We're waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp
Of an eaglet being born
We're waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp
On this humid Monday morning in this
Congressional incubator
God knows the temperature's hot enough
To hatch a stone, let alone an egg
We're waiting for the scratch, scratch, scratch
Of that tiny little fellow
Waiting for the egg to hatch
On this humid Monday morning in this
Congressional incubator
God knows the temperature's hot enough
To hatch a stone
But will it hatch an egg?
The eagle's going to crack the shell
Of the egg that England laid
Yes, so we can tell, tell, tell
On this humid Monday morning in this
Congressional incubator
And as just as Tom here has written
Though the egg may belong to Great Britain,
The eagle inside belongs to us!
And as just as Tom here has written
We say to hell with Great Britain!
The eagle inside belongs to us!