AL GOP Chair Goes Full Birther, Says Obama Is 'Communist'

One of the strangest things about conservatives is their willingness - no, eagerness -- to believe whatever scurrilous tales anyone tells them about a Democrat. You can say all you want about Obama's race being the reason, but I still remember

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One of the strangest things about conservatives is their willingness - no, eagerness -- to believe whatever scurrilous tales anyone tells them about a Democrat. You can say all you want about Obama's race being the reason, but I still remember all the similiarly crazy tales that were manufactured about Bill Clinton: drug smuggling, rape, murders - you name it. Oh yes, and he was a Communist sleeper agent, too. Why are they so gullible?

The head of the Alabama Republican Party this week threw his support behind one of the most far-fetched theories of the already bizarre birther movement.

Speaking to a group of GOP diehards on Wednesday in Fairhope, Ala., party Chair Bill Armistead raved about a film called “Dreams From My Real Father.” The movie claims President Obama’s grandfather was a CIA agent who convinced Barack Obama Sr. to marry his teenage daughter to hide the fact that she’d been secretly impregnated by a communist.

The Mobile Press-Register reported that Armistead’s comments came after he was asked by someone in the group about another film, “2016: Obama’s Presidency,” which also weaves elaborate theories about the president’s upbringing.

“If you haven’t seen it, you should,” Armistead said, according to the newspaper. “But I’m going to tell you about another movie. The name of it is ‘Dreams From My Real Father.’ That is absolutely frightening. I’ve seen it. I verified that it is factual, all of it.”

Armistead’s comments were first posted to Twitter by the Press-Register’s political editor but quickly caught fire after being picked up by Right Wing Watch.

Director Joel Gilbert is, of course, a completely unbiased source. We know this from his description of himself as "an Islamic history scholar" and writer/director of two recent documentary feature films on the Middle East, including Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War for Islamic Revival and Obama's Politics of Defeat. He complains about the media conspiracy that keeps him out of the mainstream media.

But don't worry. Alex Jones, Matt Drudge and the usual suspects are on the job.

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