Barbara Boxer To Mika: 'You Sound Very Ideological Today'

Heh. Barbara Boxer really lets Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski have it for her right-wing talking points on the stimulus package: BRZEZINSKI: It's ve

Heh. Barbara Boxer really lets Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski have it for her right-wing talking points on the stimulus package:
BRZEZINSKI: It's very clear - I mean, the democrats put through the plan that they wanted, throwing money at problems, I think... BOXER: Throwing money at problems? (laughs) BRZEZINSKI: ... some of the things, you could argue didn't necessarily need to be in there but I guess that's what happens in times like this, but I also worry that we're kind of becoming a bailout economy and we're going to lose kind of that careful balance that our country is built on between success and failure and then thriving in-between the two. BOXER: You sound very ideological this morning, if I might say. What we did in the stimulus bill is put together an approach where we invest in our people, invest in our infrastructure, where we also say to those who're the long-term unemployed, we're gonna give you a little more help so yes, you can feed your family and have a few more dollars in your pocket. And then we did tax cuts, tax cuts to the working people. That was what we did. And I don't think that's throwing money at a problem. I don't think so at all. I think it was a very important plan of this president's, and it was the first step in his economic recovery and I feel a lot better about it than you do, and we will see who's right and who's wrong. BRZEZINSKI: Well, I don't have feelings about it, I have questions about it. BOXER: Fair enough.
Remember the Clinton budget plan in '93? I do. I remember the Republicans denouncing it from every possible media outlet, crying doom and destruction. And of course, they were wrong. And yet, Republicans still insist their ideas about the economy are of value, and the corporate media goes along with it. Why? Well, these talking heads on the cable teevee are millionaires. When Mika is talking about "that careful balance that our country is built on between success and failure," she means her success and our failure. You know, the natural order of things!
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