Best Wishes To Chelsea And Marc On Their Wedding Day

Admit it. You feel like you know her. Despite protective parents who worked hard to keep her out of the public spotlight, we still remember wat


Admit it. You feel like you know her.

Despite protective parents who worked hard to keep her out of the public spotlight, we still remember watching Chelsea Clinton grow up. Maybe that's why some of us still feel a little protective of her, too. When Rush Limbaugh held up a picture of her at 13 and called her "the White House dog," we were furious at his cruelty.

When Bill and Hillary's marriage was on the rocks, I think all of us felt for the young girl in the middle:


By all accounts a smart, well-mannered girl, she seems to have grown up into a wonderful young woman. I don't know about you, but I was impressed at how easily she moved into the public eye for her mother's presidential campaign -- and then moved right back into her private life.

It can't be easy, being the only child of two such powerful personalities. But Chelsea has pulled it off with considerable grace, and I hope you'll join me in wishing her only the best on her wedding day.

(P.S. Because this is C&L, and some commenters are always negative, I'll point out that the rumors about this being a $3 million wedding are untrue. Feel better now?)

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