Biden: Paul Ryan Walked Away From The Deficit Commission

Ha, ha! Dick Morris is still a moron, both for believing that the deficit is the cause of the recession, and for calling Paul Ryan's intellectual 'staggering.' I am looking forward to a vice-presidential debate, because Paul Ryan is simply not

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Ha, ha! Dick Morris is still a moron, both for believing that the deficit is the cause of the recession, and for calling Paul Ryan's intellect 'staggering.'

I am looking forward to a vice-presidential debate, because Paul Ryan is simply not used to skeptical questioning. Hopefully we can count on at least a few members of the press to do their job -- but if they don't, Joe Biden will start it and finish it:

GREEN BAY, Wis. — Vice President Joe Biden launched a new attack on Rep. Paul Ryan in his home state of Wisconsin today, criticizing the Republican vice presidential candidate for not admitting in his convention speech that he was a member of the bipartisan deficit commission he railed against Wednesday evening.

“What he didn’t tell you is he sat on that commission,” Biden said at the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay. “He sat on that commission, and were he and his house Republican friends that he leads, had they voted with the commission, it would have been voted on, but he voted no. He would not let it go to the floor. He walked away.”

During his convention speech Wednesday, Ryan criticized the way President Obama initiated and handled the commission, but the Wisconsin congressman failed to mention his own role on it.

“[Obama] created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing,” Ryan said in Tampa.

Ryan was one of eight Republicans on the 18-member commission and was among three Republicans on the panel who voted against the commission’s recommendations, which failed to be adopted.

Biden also highlighted how the commission recommended $3 in spending cuts for every dollar raised in tax revenue, a proposal Romney and Ryan oppose.

“Congressman Ryan failed to mention any of that — a convenient omission I’d say,” Biden said.“I love these guys how they claim to care about the deficit,” Biden said. “Ladies and gentlemen, the thing I most love at them is about how they discovered the middle class at their convention. Isn’t that amazing? All of a sudden their heart was bleeding for the middle class.”

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