Boehner: What Difference Does It Make Where We Get The Money?

House Speaker John Boehner told Fox News Sunday that it "doesn’t matter" where the money comes from in the deficit deal. No, it's perfectly okay to stiff the working class and the vulnerable elderly, as long as the Republicans can still play

House Speaker John Boehner told Fox News Sunday that it "doesn’t matter" where the money comes from in the deficit deal. No, it's perfectly okay to stiff the working class and the vulnerable elderly, as long as the Republicans can still play Santa to their corporate funders:

CHRIS WALLACE: You talked about the fact that the President won and you came out with a concession the day after the election and they point out that the president campaigned on raising tax rates, you know, and it was the big issue, between him and Romney, and, they say, just as he had to cave, after your victory, in the 2010 midterms, now, it is your turn to cave on tax rates.

BOEHNER: Listen, what is this difference where the money comes from? We put $800 billion worth of revenue, which is what he is asking for, out of eliminating the top two tax rates. But, here’s the problem, Chris, when you go and increase tax rates, you make it more difficult for our economy to grow, after that income, the small business income, it is going to get taxed at a higher rate and as a result we’re gonna see slower economic growth, we can’t cut our way out of this problem, nor can we grow our way out of the problem, we have to have a balanced approach and what the President wants to do will slow or economy at a time when he says he wants the economy to grow and create jobs.

I wish, instead of these Very Serious Sunday Shows(c), we could have a game show called "Bullsh*t!" Politicians would talk, and viewers would have a B.S. meter at home that would allow them to register their votes. I think our chattering classes would be surprised at how little credibility they have with the country at large.

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