Caribou Barbie: Federal Debt Is Just Like Slavery!
Oh, Sarah. Just. Shut. Up.
Yes, Sarah. Sharing in the costs and benefits of a federal government is exactly like slavery.
Paying taxes is just like being chained naked in a boat, taken to a foreign country where you're sold at public auction, having your wife used as a sex toy by your master, and your children taken away to be sold.
You know what's like slavery, Sarah? Slavery.
It's not coincidental that Miss Whiny Pants used this phrase. (That's why she assured the crowd it "wasn't racist.") Notice the "free stuff" theme that plays into their anger that unworthy brown people are getting a free ride. (Obamacare! Obama phones!) The white, angry, middle-aged men who make up her base are obsessed with the notion of their own oppression. It fuels their rage.
It's the cry of a toddler who doesn't want to share.
He took my stuff!