Clinton Concerned About UK's Planned Defense Cuts

I do get a little tired of the fact that war seems to be our major export these days. Now we're all upset because Great Britain is making defense spending cuts? I don't get it: The US has made an eleventh hour intervention in the highly charged

I do get a little tired of the fact that war seems to be our major export these days. Now we're all upset because Great Britain is making defense spending cuts? I don't get it:

The US has made an eleventh hour intervention in the highly charged defence review as Britain's top military brass launched a last ditch attempt to persuade David Cameron to water down the cuts.

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, and Robert Gates, the defence secretary, both voiced concerns about the planned cuts as the heads of Britain's three armed services marched into No 10 in uniform to express unease about plans to cut the Ministry of Defence budget by 10%.

As the prime minister welcomed General David Petraeus to Downing Street, Washington highlighted concerns that Britain will scale back military spending to the level of weaker NATO members.

In an interview with BBC Parliament's The Record Europe in Brussels, Clinton was asked whether she was worried about the planned cuts in Britain. "It does, and the reason it does is because I think we do have to have an alliance where there is a commitment to the common defence. NATO has been the most successful alliance for defensive purposes in the history of the world I guess, but it has to be maintained. Now, each country has to be able to make its appropriate contributions."

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