Congress Considers Fix Gun Checks Act To Close Gun Ownership Loopholes

Cliff Schecter notes that Congress is actually holding hearings on gun control legislation this week: Congress began to look into how we can take some common-sense steps to curb the sales of firearms to criminals those mentally unfit for

Cliff Schecter notes that Congress is actually holding hearings on gun control legislation this week:

Congress began to look into how we can take some common-sense steps to curb the sales of firearms to criminals those mentally unfit for firearms ownership. The Senate Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism held hearings on the Fix Gun Checks Act – a product of a nationwide, grassroots campaign led by Mayors Against Illegal Guns (for whom I consult) and Omar Samaha, whose sister was murdered at Virginia Tech in 2007.

The hearings, highlighted by a pilgrimage to Capitol Hill by over 50 survivors of massacres at Virginia Tech, Tucson, Columbine and other tragedies across the country, marked the first time since these terrible incidents occurred that Congress has taken the time to seriously consider how we can better keep guns out of the hands of criminals, and mentally ill individuals.

Will it pass? The NRA has still got a death grip on Congress, but it's also hard to ignore the reasonable voices of so many people left bereft by gun loopholes.

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