Cuckoo Cruz Dad Gives Full-Bircher GOP Keynote Address

Daddy Cruz spouts crazy stuff.

Via Coloradopols.com"

Friday night, the Adams County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner was held in Thornton, attended by a slew of GOP 2014 candidates including gubernatorial candidates Scott Gessler and Greg Brophy, U.S. Senate candidates Ken Buck and Randy Baumgardner, and attorney general candidate Cynthia Coffman.

The keynote address was delivered by Rafael Cruz, the father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and sometimes mentioned as a possible candidate for office in his own right. Based on audio we were forwarded over the weekend, Cruz's speech to the Adams County GOP was … memorable to say the least. Transcribed excerpts:

RAFAEL CRUZ: So Barack Obama said: If the winds shift, I will side with the Muslims.

IN CROWD: He is Muslim!

CRUZ: [Exclamation] McCain couldn’t say that, because it's not politically correct. It is time to stop being politically correct! [Pols emphasis]

CRUZ: Our lives? Well, look at what’s happening with our lives. From the cradle, 55 million babies have been murdered by abortion since 1973. At the other end, Obamacare, with denying care to the elderly, with care being rationed, with care being postponed for 12 to 18 months, with care being controlled by a group of bureaucrats, that on the basis of cost/benefit, will decide whether you get a medical procedure or not, they’re destroying our end of life. As a matter of fact, one of the things in Obamacare is that the elderly, every five years you must have end-of-life counseling. Translation: suicide counseling! [Pols emphasis]

CRUZ: I know I am in a Republican Party meeting. If you want to throw tomatoes at me, throw tomatoes at me. But unfortunately, you cannot say that the Republican Party is without blame. We have too many RiNOs in the Republican Party!

CRUZ: They have their minds made up, and basically their idea is this: you’re too stupid and I know what I’m doing. Well I’ll tell you what, we the people are not stupid. We the people ought to be smart enough to throw them out of office, or primary them, and put constitutional conservatives in their place!

This is the kind of speech that would definitely make Colorado Republican Party chairman Ryan Call, you know, a little nervous. Demands for intraparty purges against "RiNO" Republicans (for the uninitiated, this stands for "Republican in Name Only"), and senselessly raging about such fictional items as Obamacare "suicide counseling," is very popular among the Colorado Republican grassroots today–as energizing to the party's base as it is repellent to most other voters.

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